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A Patient's Guide to Using MyCareCorner (MyCareCorner.net)
Welcome to MyCareCorner, your personal portal to your health record. We created this simple, yet comprehensive guide to help you navigate through your new portal.
My Care Corner
Getting Started
Your healthcare provider (hospital or clinic) will provide you with an email (if you provided an email address) or a printed copy of instructions for accessing the MyCareCorner website.Patient Guide to Registering
Patient Guide to Using Patient Portal
Using the Email
- Click the link in the email. The MyCareCorner welcome page is launched in your web browser.
- Click Continue. A security question is displayed to confirm your identity. Answer the question and click Next.
- A question is displayed: Do you already have a MyCareCorner account? Click the appropriate answer.
- If you click Yes, the Sign In page is displayed. Enter your Email and Password and click Sign In. An Invitation to Access page is displayed, indicating records that can be associated with your account. See the next section of this document for next steps: I Have an Existing MyCareCorner Account.
- If you click No, the Create Your MyCareCorner Account page is displayed. Proceed with step 4.
- In the fields on the Create Your Account page, enter your name, last name, an email address and password.
- Check the I agree to the Terms and Conditions box.
- Click Next. The Create Health Record page is displayed.
- Enter the information for the health record in the fields provided: First Name, Last Name, Relationship to You, Country, Postal Code / Zip, Sex, and Date of Birth.
NOTE: This could be a person other than you if you are please add their information.